Welcome to Bush Land. Stay 172 more days.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
One More Trip into Bush Land
Welcome to Bush Land. Stay 172 more days.
Bush declares progress in Iraq war
"Terrorists "are on the run". Does he really believe this? Its more likely terrorists have:
a. become smarter and sneakier in their ability to hide
b. they've all blown themselves up
c. they've also noticed our President is delusional and no matter what they do he'll claim he is winning so they've become bored at his lack of reaction and given up
If he had actually listened to his advisers, this not-a-war would have ended three years ago and our troops would already be home. Instead they are stuck in the Hell-hole of a sand trap policing a war that's been in progress for millennia.
I would love for someone to slap him upside the head and show him:
a. people hate war
b. people really hate losing their constitutional rights
c. people really, really hate it when a nobody hick thinks he can do whatever he wants because his father had power and his father's little friends put him up as a shell to hide their own deeds
Monday, July 21, 2008
Reveal the Library Donors?
I'm more interested in which books will be bought for the Library and how that will be decided.
Okay. I lied. I'd love to see a Fundie forced to purchase the Santatic Bible or "The Origin of Man". Just to be fair, it's be cool to see an Libertarian buy the Good Housekeeper's Guide, though that's less likely to happen at this particular Library.
Or I could be mistaken and this is one of those Libraries that doesn't have books. I could see Bush building a library like that.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
It's Getting Deep
The preacher on tv is trying to convince me to send him money. Okay. I expected that. But he's doing so by saying if you send me money, God will take care of all your economic problems. And then he gives examples, which I just have to repeat.
First, he talks about his father, who was a . . . preacher. He is amazed his father was able to raise funds during a depression and around Christmas time. Well statistically, religion is always bigger during a depression. It's called hope.
Then, I kid you not, he begins to add both "The Secret" and "The Power of Positive Thinking". He gives examples of people, all who strangely worked in customer service fields, that had more work because they were nicer. Shock! Amazement! Being nice causes people to like you!
So send him your money, and be nice, and think really hard about what you want, and God will save the economy, no matter what the price of a barrel of oil.
And yes, he did mention the price of oil.
Friday, July 18, 2008
President Bush has decided birth control is the same as abortion. Thereforth I say Viagra is the same as rape.
I already had to teach my health insurance provider how to count to 28 and now I have to teach the national government as well?
I wish someone would get pregnant and then sue their health care provider for refusing to prescribe brith control. They should sue for whatever it cost to raise a child for 18 years these days. And add in college costs while their at it.
Next, he'll be calling a woman's menstrual cycle abortion because a baby which could hdve resulted was lost. A baby that doesn't exist, still doesn't exist. Why try to force women to have babies, to wrestle with the moral decision of abortion if there are ways to avoid it?
This bonehead legislation will do no good. What about women, like me, who take birth control for the hormonal effects. Are you going to tell every 1 out of 5 girls affected by Polycistic Ovarian Syndrom that their only course of treatment is equalivant to abortion? And then explain to them why they will never have to deal with the issue of abortion because you took away their ability to have children?
Come on. Even women in third world countries have access to birth control. I fact, we send it to them.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Einstien Still Right
Amazing how science works, isn't it? Even after 93 years every theory is still game. Just don't expect to be taken seriously if you can't provide real data. And no, a book of fishermen's tales is not scientific data. Nor are things <i>you<i> and can't explain.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
And in the news!
In Wheaton, Ill one man stole a Pomeranian so ugly, he couldn't tell which end to blow his marijuana smoke up. . .
Firefox 3has set the Guinness world record for the most downloads in 24 hours. . .
And. . .
People get spam from the Internet. .
$250,000 Forced Exercism
Novena is claiming they did not and have never performed an exercisism in Singapore, but instead it was a prayer session. Valli is claiming the Father and his helpers imprisioned inside the church for the 2 1/2 hours while exercising her, eventually asking her to leave after she became abusive.
Next time, just don't get possessed and all will be well.
Death of a General
* If you don't know who this is, you missed the second best scifi show of all time, the first, of course, being Firefly.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Just doing my bit to Google Bomb the kooks out there who created the movie Expelled. Expelled is a movie about academics who are blasted for being unacademic and think that's unfair. If you refuse to work by the standards of you profession, perhaps you need a new profession. Expelled is simply about people wanting to get around academic integerity.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Guess Who?
George Carlin was always about free speech and sticking it to the man. That's why I'm so proud Fred Phyllips is going to uphold his beliefs. George Carlin is rolling in the irony. I hope Fred and his band of kukoo's have the decentcy to include all seven words somewhere among their signs. Perhaps he should so just a tad bit of research before just protesting willy-nilly.
No, I don't agree with Fred Phyllips opinions and I think he's a sad, self-deluded little man who is teaching his children nothing but how to hate. However, in the spirit of George Carlin, free speech and all that rot. Personally, I don't understand funerals at all, but I respect the dignity of the ceramony and the feelings of others. If the guy would actually protest what he says be protesting against instead of everything else, he would be regulated to a fundamentalist instead of crazy person.
*AN to Fred
Go ahead and sue me. I'd love to see you have to pass a compentency hearing.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Myanmar Government,
Your stalling has cost people their lives. There is no uncertainity about this. Your people know this. The rest of the world knows this. What will they do about it?
Your sole job as a government is to provide a better life for your citizens. Somehow, I don't see willful neglect, possibly manslaughter as part of the job description. How does it feel to know you are responsible for your neighbor's death? Possibly a member of your own family.
You say you were concerned about an invasion. I can personally guarentee you the strongest motivation anyone has is surivial. Surivial of themself and their family. People snap. They rebel against unfair governments. They especially don't like deadly governments.
It's not an invasion you need to worry about.
Just wait. The storm's not over yet.
Friday, May 23, 2008
All children are not created equal. Some are better at math, some can weave a tale to intrigue us all, some can create beautiful music to move us to tears.
Each child is unique. Ideally, they would each recieve an education tailored specifically to them, highlighting both their strengths and their weaknesses. Imagine how much better a child would do if their teacher knew they needed extra help in math, learned best with hands on activities, and was really interested in the pyrimaid project that they did last week. Now what if teachers had the resources to apply that knowledge?
I look forward to the day when education can be personalized in such a way and that is considered the norm. The Internet already allows nearly unlimited access to information. Battles can be recreated. Dissections can be performed in virtual reality. Rockets to the moon leave every click of the mouse.
Anything is possible.
What are we waiting for?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Gay Marriage
California overturns ban in gay marriage
Maybe I'm showing my liberal (even though I'm registered Republican) side here, but I never understood the controversity surrounding gay marriage. Who are we to decide who can and cannot love each other? Do we as a country want to be like the dussaproving father who doesn't like his daughter's boyfriend (or in this case girlfriend)? With so much hatred already in the world , why would any one want to add to it?
I've just don't get who gay marriage would be harming. The wedding industry would gain valuable customers in a time when the economy is a little slow (it's not a recession dang it). Legislatures could move on to things that actually matter, such as I don't know, the economy, education, the next election, global warming, China, Tibet, Burma, ohh and that little thing they call the Iraq War. Those who don't approve of gay marriage are only affected in the same way a Goth is offended by color.
The only ones I can think of being even remotely affected un a negative way would be the church and you know, they do that well enough anyway.
Where I'm from we have a uniqueway of thought: If it doesn't affect us we don't care one way or the other. I wish eveyone else would think this way as well. Don't decide something because someone else says it should be that way. If you don't have feelings on a subject, "I don't care" is still a valid response.
Being a Cat Person
How to be a cat person:
1. Sleep any where, any time, as often as possible.
2. Pointedly ignore people who annoy you.
3. Like pretty colors and shiny things.
4. Everything is unimportant until you deem otherwise.
5. Its not important unless it affects your nap.