Friday, May 23, 2008


All children are not created equal. Some are better at math, some can weave a tale to intrigue us all, some can create beautiful music to move us to tears.

Each child is unique. Ideally, they would each recieve an education tailored specifically to them, highlighting both their strengths and their weaknesses. Imagine how much better a child would do if their teacher knew they needed extra help in math, learned best with hands on activities, and was really interested in the pyrimaid project that they did last week. Now what if teachers had the resources to apply that knowledge?

I look forward to the day when education can be personalized in such a way and that is considered the norm. The Internet already allows nearly unlimited access to information. Battles can be recreated. Dissections can be performed in virtual reality. Rockets to the moon leave every click of the mouse.

Anything is possible.

What are we waiting for?

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