Saturday, May 24, 2008

Myanmar Government,

Congratulations! While not exactly graciously, you have figured out how to accept help. The question is "Is it too late for both your people and your government?"

Your stalling has cost people their lives. There is no uncertainity about this. Your people know this. The rest of the world knows this. What will they do about it?

Your sole job as a government is to provide a better life for your citizens. Somehow, I don't see willful neglect, possibly manslaughter as part of the job description. How does it feel to know you are responsible for your neighbor's death? Possibly a member of your own family.

You say you were concerned about an invasion. I can personally guarentee you the strongest motivation anyone has is surivial. Surivial of themself and their family. People snap. They rebel against unfair governments. They especially don't like deadly governments.

It's not an invasion you need to worry about.

Just wait. The storm's not over yet.

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